Profes­sional Educa­tion

Work­shops & Semi­nars

We advance the field of lead­er­ship, lever­aging cutting-edge theory to create prac­tical solu­tions that allow leaders to solve their most pressing issues and meet their objec­tives. 

When it comes to posi­tioning oneself strongly in the run for talent, attracting top talent and retaining it in the long term, leaders play a central role. 

They help to seize the oppor­tu­ni­ties of digi­tal­i­sa­tion, drive inno­va­tion and exploit poten­tial. Espe­cially in teams that need to inte­grate different gener­a­tions and cultures and align them towards common goals. offers one of the most versa­tile and effec­tive concepts for lead­er­ship devel­op­ment in D/A/CH.

Whether in German or English, in pres­ence or live online: Our learning formats can be flex­ibly tailored to your needs. In addi­tion to their plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion, we are also happy to take care of internal marketing and all admin­is­tra­tive processes if required.

Unique Selling Point

The activ­i­ties and program around the seminar are packed and focused on meeting your profes­sional demands and ensure expe­ri­ences that last and facil­i­tate a group spirit which enables better reflec­tion as well as aspi­ra­tions to achieve more together. Our semi­nars take place:

Agile Solu­tions

Why do compa­nies reach out for agile leaders? Because it is these in-house experts who make agile trans­for­ma­tion possible in the first place. They are the drivers of inno­va­tion and progress that keep compa­nies strong and connected.

The best way to build such a nucleus of change is to train your own team members. They know the company and its culture. So they can provide optimal support and pass on their knowl­edge to others.

Our promise: Philipp Bacher provides you with a unique learning expe­ri­ence. In this training, trainers with many years of prac­tical expe­ri­ence will teach you the concepts, methods and processes with which you can success­fully imple­ment inno­va­tion, trans­for­ma­tion and change projects in your company. You will learn how agile working methods can be imple­mented in compa­nies and how to build agile commu­ni­ties in compa­nies.


Good to know

Philipp Bacher Leader-Ship Seminar

Building better Teams

Be prepared to elevate your team through exclu­sive semi­nars that leave a deep impact. Improving your team’s collab­o­ra­tion by offering outstanding train­ings that improve lead­er­ship compe­tences. Inno­v­a­tive, effi­cient and fun while chal­lenging each partic­i­pant and facil­i­tating self improve­ment.

No expe­ri­ence on water are needed. However, partic­i­pants with motion sick­ness usually take up to three days in order to be able to focus on the work­shops program. 

Leader-Ship Seminar

Did you know that your brain need to see water?

Contact with water induces a medi­ta­tive statethat makes us happier, healthier, calmer, more creative, and more capable of awe. 

Contact with water also helps counter a dulled effect often termed as “gray mind.” Spending too much time inside, glued to screens, consuming news and enter­tain­ment, can lead to lethargy, lack of moti­va­tion, and dissat­is­fac­tion. Getting in, on, or near the water improves moods.

So, get soaked wet while drills and thrills meet chills and spills. You will find your­self on a “floating confer­ence” room within the ocean of your choice. You may gain hand on expe­ri­ence in navi­ga­tion and manoeu­vring exer­cises in order to reset and prepare your mindset. This setting will free your mind within hours and helps to set focus on the prede­fined progress.