5.00(1 Ratings)

Leader-Ship Seminar

Cate­gories Local Semi­nars
sailing seminar scaled @ philippbacher.com

Appointed to move organ­i­sa­tions forward

The bene­fits of agility are now well known and accepted in busi­ness. But few compa­nies know how to trans­form their organ­i­sa­tion most effec­tively. How they can support teams in inno­va­tion or trans­for­ma­tion projects in a mean­ingful way. Currently, there are far too few expe­ri­enced agile coaches on the market who are avail­able as spar­ring part­ners for both teams and manage­ment.

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This is where you come in. As an Agile Coach, you are a multi­plier of a new working world. You are avail­able to employees for ques­tions about agile working. You help teams to develop inno­va­tions and the manage­ment to take sensible steps in the devel­op­ment of an agile organ­i­sa­tion. Our training as an agile coach lets you dive deep into the agile world. You will learn all rele­vant methods, tech­niques and processes in a prac­tice-oriented way. You will learn how agile working methods can be imple­mented in compa­nies and how you can success­fully create agile commu­ni­ties in compa­nies. In this Agile Coach training, you will learn concepts and methods with which you can success­fully accom­pany and imple­ment your own inno­va­tion, trans­for­ma­tion and change projects in your company.

What I will learn?

  • The 5 day Agile Coach training takes place in five modules of two days each over a period of several months. Each training round consists of a team of 4–12 partic­i­pants, which remains the same for all modules, and usually 1–3 trainers/coaches for the 5 modules.
  • In our training, short, inter­ac­tive theory units and agile frame­works alter­nate with group work in work­shop format, joint discus­sions, colle­gial coaching and the processing of prac­tical exam­ples. You will learn agile methods such as Design Thinking, Design Sprint, Busi­ness Model­ling, Lean Startup, Scrum and Kanban.
  • During the training, you build up your coaching compe­tence in a specific module and “on the fly” by repeat­edly taking on the role of a coach. You take over the moder­a­tion and guid­ance of various exer­cises and tools (agile games, warm-ups, reflec­tion exer­cises, etc.) and receive construc­tive feed­back. On the one hand, you learn the basics of coaching and at the same time you deepen the newly learned methods and contents.
  • In addi­tion, you will receive exten­sive knowl­edge and a work­shop toolbox for your own trans­for­ma­tion and change projects with all the building blocks of an inno­va­tion-oriented agile organ­i­sa­tion. In the course of the Agile Coach training, you will get to know the other partic­i­pants very well and you will form a commu­nity that usually remains in personal contact far beyond the training.

Course contents

Under­standing digital trans­for­ma­tion, agility and the role of the agile coach (1 day)

  • Intro­duc­tion to the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncer­tainty, Complexity, Ambi­guity)
  • Complexity and dynamics of digital trans­for­ma­tion (digital and agile trans­for­ma­tion)
  • Holistic trans­for­ma­tion approach (mindset, methods, culture)
  • Different roles of the agile coach
  • Self-reflec­tion and self-image
  • Chal­lenges for agile leaders
  • Clar­i­fi­ca­tion of the Agile Coach’s mission
  • First steps and toolbox for trans­for­ma­tion projects
  • Prac­tical transfer

Get to know and apply agile inno­va­tion methods in prac­tice (1 day)
Basic prin­ci­ples of agile working

  • Devel­oping user-centred ideas, trans­forming them into new busi­ness models and testing their economic viability
  • An overview of agile methods (desir­ability, economic viability, feasi­bility and real­i­sa­tion)
  • Design thinking (user research, insights, idea devel­op­ment and proto­typing)
  • Busi­ness Model Gener­a­tion (busi­ness model analysis, devel­op­ment & inno­va­tion)
  • Lean Start (vali­da­tion of hypotheses & proto­typing)
  • Agile inno­va­tion methods in the mix / deci­sion matrix
  • Reflec­tion / prac­tice transfer

Combining classic and agile project manage­ment approaches (1 day)

  • Prin­ci­ples of agile project manage­ment
  • Get to know new approaches, simu­late them in prac­tical appli­ca­tion exam­ples and prac­tise them inten­sively
  • Basics of Scrum and Kanban
  • Classic project manage­ment vs. agile project manage­ment
  • Hybrid project manage­ment and team lead­er­ship
  • Deci­sion-making in an agile context
  • Agile working in a non-agile envi­ron­ment
  • Reflec­tion / prac­tice transfer

Coaching and facil­i­ta­tion skills in agile and non-agile envi­ron­ments (1 day)

  • Lead­er­ship role and respon­si­bility as an agile coach
  • Basics of coaching vs. consulting
  • Coaching toolbox (e.g. systemic ques­tioning, active listening)
  • Facil­i­ta­tion and visu­al­i­sa­tion in pres­ence and remote
  • Team devel­op­ment and empow­er­ment
  • Conflicts and commu­ni­ca­tion
  • Stress manage­ment and resilience
  • Indi­vidual reflec­tion on the Agile Coach training

Plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of trans­for­ma­tion and change (1 day)

  • Basics of organ­i­sa­tional and cultural analysis
  • Devel­op­ment stages of organ­i­sa­tions and teams
  • Alter­na­tive agile organ­i­sa­tional forms (e.g. Holacracy, Squads, Laloux)
  • Agile & trans­for­ma­tional lead­er­ship
  • Plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of trans­for­ma­tion and change projects
  • Devel­op­ment of indi­vidual trans­for­ma­tion roadmaps / Objec­tives & Key Results (OKR)
  • Dealing with blockers and obsta­cles
  • Reflec­tion / prac­tice transfer

Request Infos

Please send me more infor­ma­tion about this seminar via E‑mail.

Free access this course

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A course by

Philipp Bacher
Philipp Bacher
Entre­pre­neur & Visionary

Mate­rial Includes

  • Templates
  • Liter­a­ture lists
  • Presen­ta­tions

Target Audi­ence

  • C‑Level Staff
  • Poten­tial Leaders
  • Corpo­rate Teams
  • Founder


  • Partic­i­pants must be able to swim at least 15min in open water.